About Intergroup

“The aims of an Intergroup are to aid the constituent Groups in their common purpose of carrying the AA message to the still suffering alcoholic and, by using their combined strength and unity, to improve and maintain good relations with all organisations in the community.”

AA Structure Handbook for Great Britain, p.86

Intergroup meetings essentially combine two purposes. That of a meeting of the GSRs (Group Service Representatives) to discuss the needs of their groups and conference questions and a meeting of the Liaison Officers to report on and discuss their activities. The service representatives include a number of different service disciplines whose role it is to carry the AA message into organisations and the community. Facilitating these business style meetings are the four service positions of Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.

Group Service Representatives are voted into the position by their group, Liaison Officers and Intergroup service positions are voted into their positions by the GSRs and existing Liaison Officers. All AA members are welcome and indeed encouraged to attend Intergroup meetings as observers but they may not vote and speak only at the invitation of the Chairperson.

Intergroup Meeting

Our next Intergroup meeting will be on:

Sunday 12th January, 2025 at 17.00

The Hub, Prince Charles Rd, Wrexham . LL13 8TR 

The deadline for reports is Monday 6th of January, 2025. Reports may still be submitted after this date but cannot be sent to the groups in advance of the meeting.

AA Service News Winter 2024.pdf